Vuex vs Redux

January 15, 2022

Vuex vs Redux

When it comes to state management in web development, there are two very popular libraries that dominate the field: Vuex and Redux. But which one is better? Let's compare them in terms of functionality, ease of use, and popularity.


Both Vuex and Redux are built to solve the same problem: state management. They aim to provide an easy way to manage the state of an application by providing a central store and a set of tools to interact with it.

On the one hand, Vuex is the official state management library for Vue.js. As such, it seamlessly integrates with Vue.js and provides a lot of functionalities out of the box. Vuex allows developers to create reactive and composable state management that works well with Vue.js components.

On the other hand, Redux is a standalone library that can be used with any JavaScript framework or library, not just React. It has a slightly different philosophy than Vuex, as it focuses on immutability and functional programming. This makes the state changes predictable and easier to reason about.

Overall, both libraries provide similar functionalities, but Vuex is more tightly integrated with Vue.js, while Redux focuses more on immutability and functional programming.

Ease of Use

One of the most important aspects of any library is how easy it is to use. Both Vuex and Redux have a bit of a learning curve, but once you understand the concepts, they become very easy to use.

Vuex is easier to get started with since it provides a lot of functionalities out of the box, and the concepts are tightly integrated with Vue.js. However, it can be more difficult to customize and extend.

Redux, on the other hand, has a lot of boilerplate code and can be more difficult to understand at first. However, it provides a lot of flexibility and can be customized to suit any project's needs.


Popularity can be a good indicator of how good a library is. Both Vuex and Redux are very popular libraries, and they have a lot of support from the community.

According to npm trends, Redux is more popular than Vuex, with over 48 million downloads in the last year compared to Vuex's 18 million downloads. However, this does not necessarily mean that Redux is better than Vuex. It could simply mean that Redux is more widely used with other frameworks and libraries besides Vue.js.


In the end, Vuex vs Redux comes down to personal preference and the needs of your project. If you're already using Vue.js, then Vuex is a good choice since it integrates well with Vue.js and provides a lot of functionalities out of the box.

However, if you're not using Vue.js or you're more interested in immutability and functional programming, then Redux might be a better choice for you.

Regardless of which library you choose, both Vuex and Redux are powerful tools that can help you manage the state of your web applications more efficiently.


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